Highly skilled and an experienced software developer with 5 year experience and strong background in Python and C++ development. A responsible problem solver and a strong communicator. Able to work effectively both as a team member and a team lead. Proficiency in computer graphics and AI allows me to solve a wide range of tasks effectively and with high quality. I can easily find and apply all necessary information to solve tasks. Thus, I am a reliable and competent professional who can contribute greatly to business.
Python, FastAPI, Django, Pytest, Poetry, Asyncio, SQLAlchmey, Qt5
C++, CMake, pybind11, OpenGL
Linux, CI/CD, Docker, Airflow, Devcontainer, Werf, Ansible
OpenCV, Pytorch, TensorFlow, Tritonserver
HTML, CSS, JS, TypeScript, Angular, React, MobX, Vue.js, SSG, jQuery
Python, Pytorch, Go, Docker, Airflow, Tritonserver, CI/CD, Werf, Ansible
Python, C++, Qt5, SQLAlchemy, OpenCV, FastAPI, Docker, pybind11
TypeScript, MobX, React, Babylon.js
Python, Pytorch, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP
Python, Django, Docker, React
Python, FastAPI, Django, Pytest, Poetry, Asyncio, SQLAlchmey, Qt5
C++, CMake, pybind11, OpenGL
Linux, CI/CD, Docker, Airflow, Devcontainer, Werf, Ansible
OpenCV, Pytorch, TensorFlow, Tritonserver
HTML, CSS, JS, TypeScript, Angular, React, MobX, Vue.js, SSG, jQuery
Highly skilled and an experienced software developer with 5 year experience and strong background in Python and C++ development. A responsible problem solver and a strong communicator. Able to work effectively both as a team member and a team lead. Proficiency in computer graphics and AI allows me to solve a wide range of tasks effectively and with high quality. I can easily find and apply all necessary information to solve tasks. Thus, I am a reliable and competent professional who can contribute greatly to business.
Python, Pytorch, Go, Docker, Airflow, Tritonserver, CI/CD, Werf, Ansible
Python, C++, Qt5, SQLAlchemy, OpenCV, FastAPI, Docker, pybind11
TypeScript, MobX, React, Babylon.js
Python, Pytorch, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP
Python, Django, Docker, React